Here’s how to be happy. Unless you have other plans.

Here’s R L Stevenson’s take on this extremely important subject, acquired via ‘Iain MacDonald’s Intuition Walks newsletter.

Maybe I’ll get off the couch this weekend and actually go. Enjoyment sometimes does need initial effort as has been mentioned quite often around these parts.

<Mind drifts to faded and somewhat torn but oh-so-comfortable orange Diesel sneakers. May need replacing. Shall I get New Balance cross trainers? A cross trainer can do wonders for the motivation. I hope I do it. I may have to call on the Inner Guido, the Freudenmeister who rules fun and laughter once the Inner Nazi has seen to it that all the lucrative work of the past three months has been done and paid for.>

Bring it, Robert. Don’t be shy:

Make up your mind to be happy.

Learn to find pleasure in simple things.

Make the best of your circumstances.

No one has everything and Everyone has something of sorrow intermingled with the gladness of life.

The trick is to make the laughter Outweigh the tears.

Dont take yourself too seriously.

You can’t please everybody; don’t let criticism worry you.

Don’t let your neighbor set your standards.

Do the things you enjoy doing, but stay out of debt.

Don’t borrow trouble.

Imaginary things are harder to bear than the actual ones.

Since hate poisons the soul, do not cherish enmities and grudges.

Don’t hold post-mortems.

Don’t spend your life brooding over sorrows and mistakes.

Don’t be one who never gets over things.

Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself.

Keep busy at something.

A very busy person never has time to be unhappy.

For maximum effectiveness, this prescription should be taken as often as needed.

Unlimited refills available.

This prescription for happiness bears remembering and repeating… OFTEN!

By Robert Louis Stevenson